
As a professional catering tea and solution service organization, Benny ranks among the top three in China's catering tea supply chain industry in terms of tea production, various types of refined tea are the core of Benny's products. These tea products include the six traditional tea categories in China and the tea from the world's major tea producing areas. Through the blending and deployment of Benny's professional and technical personnel, these tea products have been made into related products, including catering tea, tea bags, fruit and flower tea, triangle tea bags, kungfu tea and so on. They are targeted at chain tea drinkings, coffee, Chinese food, western fast food, hot pot, and various types of bottled drinkings containing tea, and appear in various types of life scenes.In addition to the production of raw materials for the food industry, we have high pursuit and quality control over the quality of tea, and vigorously develop gift tea for families, business offices, hotels and other scenes.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 客服| 辽阳市| 眉山市| 唐海县| 延长县| 明星| 蓝山县| 罗山县| 肇庆市| 长海县| 万山特区| 凉城县| 石狮市| 太康县| 扎囊县| 朔州市| 兴安县| 巴楚县| 门源| 吴忠市| 赫章县| 武乡县| 马鞍山市| 朝阳县| 图片| 南华县| 闽清县| 光泽县| 海阳市| 琼中| 噶尔县| 泰安市| 二连浩特市| 双辽市| 洪雅县| 咸宁市| 定边县| 界首市| 华阴市| 罗田县| 全椒县|