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    Our origin
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    Market situation and enterprise vision

    Benny started in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province in Southeast China. The iconic Minjiang River diverged in this land and crossed into the sea. At the end of last century, Benny was established in Fuzhou and began to set foot in the tea drinking industry....

  • Milepost
    Benny milestone

    During the 4th Jasmine Tea Conference, Benny Tea won the recommended products of jasmine tea in 2022 and was awarded the title of the Top Ten Innovative Brands of Jasmine Tea in 2022...

  • Our values and services
    Our values and services

    As a professional catering tea and solution service organization, Benny ranks among the top three in China's catering tea supply chain industry in terms of tea production, various types of refined tea are the core of Benny's products...

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