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    作為一家專(zhuān)業(yè)的餐飲用茶與解決方案服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu),各類(lèi)型的精制茶葉是幫利的產(chǎn)品核心。 這些茶葉產(chǎn)品包括中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)六大茶類(lèi)及世界主要茶葉產(chǎn)區(qū)的茶葉,通過(guò)幫利專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)人員的拼配與調(diào)配,這些茶葉產(chǎn)品被制作成包括餐飲用茶、袋泡茶、花果茶、三角茶包、功夫茶等相關(guān)產(chǎn)品面向連鎖茶飲、咖啡、中餐、西式快餐、火鍋,以及各類(lèi)型含茶瓶裝飲料,出現(xiàn)在各類(lèi)型生活場(chǎng)景中...

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Know about tea and taste Vientiane tea

| 幫利茶業(yè)市場(chǎng)中心

責(zé)任編輯 |Alyssa





Tea is a national drink with a long history. Tea culture is rooted in China and carried forward in the world. As a national characteristic discipline, China has tea majors in many universities. The major of tea studies focuses on training scientific and technical professionals engaged in production and processing, technology and design, operation and management, tea art and tea culture dissemination, etc. related to tea studies, and continuously injects new strength into the progress of China and even the world's tea field.








As a leading tea supply chain and solution service organization for catering in China, Benny always adheres to the principle of "internal and external improvement", and is committed to becoming the successor and disseminator of world tea culture while strengthening its product quality and comprehensive competitiveness. Benny realized that tea culture contains the value orientation of establishing morality and cultivating people. It is the most profound cultural soft power in China, and schools are the main positions for the spread of tea culture. Therefore, in order to carry forward the excellent tea culture and promote the education of people with tea, Benny carried out the book giving activity of Tribute Tea in the Collection of the Palace Museum.



福建農(nóng)林大學(xué)園藝學(xué)院院黨委書(shū)記肖紅新(左數(shù)第三位),院黨委副書(shū)記康恩慧(左數(shù)第一位),院長(zhǎng)陳清西(左數(shù)第四位),副院長(zhǎng)郭玉瓊(左數(shù)第二位),葉乃興教授(右數(shù)第二位) 一行,與幫利茶業(yè)董事長(zhǎng)張朝斌先生(中間位)及幫利茶業(yè)團(tuán)隊(duì)合影












In the afternoon of September 1, September 6 and September 15, Mr. Zhang Chaobin, Chairman of Benny, went to Fuzhou, Quanzhou Anxi and Wuyishan respectively, participated in the book gift ceremony held by the School of Horticulture of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Anxi Tea College and the School of Tea and Food of Wuyi College, and sent the "Tribute Tea in the Collection of the Palace Museum" on behalf of the company.
















At the book giving ceremony, Zhang Chaobin, Chairman of Benny, introduced the general situation of the enterprise to various colleges, and further exchanged the original intention of compiling Tribute Tea in the Collection of the Palace Museum. He hoped that more people would know, understand and love tea, feel the long-standing Chinese tea culture, and actively participate in the spread and development of Chinese traditional tea culture through the role of books.















Tribute Tea in the Collection of the Palace Museum is an authoritative book covering the history, culture and traditional tea technology of China's excellent tea varieties. At the initiative of Zhang Chaobin, Chairman of Benny, and friends, many experts and scholars worked together to complete this book. It comprehensively displays the royal tribute tea culture of the Chinese nation, systematically explores and studies a number of Chinese traditional tea varieties that have become the best tribute tea for the imperial court in history, summarizes the historical status quo of the tea industry and tea culture in the provinces where tribute tea products are located, and is a masterpiece of inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese traditional tea culture and the Chinese tea industry.






These book giving activities are one of the important measures of Benny to promote the spread and development of tea culture. Books are an important medium for spreading tea culture knowledge. Benny hopes to encourage students to read more books, read good books, enhance cultural self-confidence, use knowledge to improve professional quality, and put more solid skills into practice in the tea field, so as to contribute to the development of product research and development, technological innovation, etc. in the tea field.




Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University is a provincial key university with the advantages and characteristics of agriculture and forestry disciplines and coordinated development of science, engineering, economics, management, literature, law, art and other disciplines. Relying on the excellent soft and hard conditions of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, the College of Horticulture has a post doctoral research mobile station in horticulture, a doctoral and master's degree authorization point in the first level discipline of horticulture, covering five secondary disciplines such as fruit tree science, tea science, vegetable science, flower and landscape gardening, and facility agriculture science and engineering, and a professional master's field, forming a talent training system of undergraduate, master, doctor, and post doctoral, The first level discipline of horticulture is provincial key discipline and provincial key characteristic discipline.






Anxi Tea College is a characteristic college jointly established by Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and Anxi County's "school land", which adopts the trinity of "government+universities+private capital", complementary advantages and cooperative school running mode. In November 2017, it was identified as Fujian Province's "model industrial college". The college takes the tea industry chain as the main line, and its undergraduate majors include tea science, financial management, management science, business economics, etc; Master degree majors include technical economy and management, agricultural management and sustainable ecology; The doctoral program includes sustainable ecology. The college builds a scientific research platform closely around tea culture, tea industry and tea science and technology, accelerates the improvement of scientific research service capacity based on the platform, and helps the development of tea industry.






Wuyi College is located in Wuyi Mountain, the "World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site". It has built research platforms such as Song Ming Neo Confucianism Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Ecological Industry Green Technology, Fujian 2011 China Oolong Tea Industry Collaborative Innovation Center, Fujian Wuyi Key Laboratory of Tea Resources Innovation and Utilization, and Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Technology in Colleges and Universities With the characteristics of art, we actively cultivate new engineering disciplines and strive to achieve coordinated development of multiple disciplines. We have 1 national characteristic specialty, 8 provincial key disciplines (including application), 10 provincial characteristic specialties and 10 provincial first-class specialties.




主站蜘蛛池模板: 门头沟区| 聂荣县| 科尔| 武穴市| 阿城市| 寿光市| 枣庄市| 盐山县| 灵武市| 郑州市| 镶黄旗| 岑溪市| 江达县| 山丹县| 黄骅市| 巴青县| 德安县| 遂昌县| 阳曲县| 汶川县| 漳浦县| 建宁县| 鲁甸县| 乌拉特中旗| 谢通门县| 台前县| 丰镇市| 溧水县| 三台县| 鄄城县| 嘉善县| 高平市| 新密市| 宜章县| 长海县| 合水县| 绵竹市| 弥勒县| 新绛县| 邢台县| 新乐市|